SAVE On Student Debt helps borrowers save money on their student loan payments by enrolling in the U.S. Department of Education’s new income-driven repayment plan – the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan 

The SAVE Plan is the most affordable repayment plan for low- and middle-income borrowers. SAVE determines your monthly payment based on income, stops interest from growing, and puts you on a path to loan forgiveness faster. More than 4.6 million borrowers enrolled in the SAVE Plan have a $0 monthly payment.

Ready to see how much you can SAVE?

SAVE on Student Debt is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Education, Civic Nation, UnidosUS, Rise, Student Debt Crisis Center, Young Invincibles, National Urban League and the NAACP.

A Federal Court issued a stay preventing the Department of Education from operating the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan. The Department of Education will be in touch directly with borrowers about how this will affect them.

Visit the U.S. Department of Education’s website to stay up to date and learn more.